The Vinery


The Vinery, Summerville Avenue, Waterford


Residential architecture


A proposed small-scale residential development comprising 3 x three-bed housing units situated within the walls of an existing stone-walled garden. Once part of the curtilage of Summerville House, a protected structure.

The proposed new houses are organised within the existing framework of these garden walls.

Each house type has a unique floor plan and layout which responds to the existing stone boundary walls and the adjacent protected structure.

The material pallet selected for the new houses includes materials traditional to this area and echo the finishes on Summerville House. The use of plaster and stone wall finishes, simple metal finishes to the roof and the use of stone walls and paving to the garden and boundary walls of the houses is proposed.

The material pallet and form are simple and expressed in a complementary contemporary manner.

Residential architecture
The Vinery
The Vinery
Ground floor plan
The Vinery
The Vinery
The Vinery
The Vinery
The Vinery
The Vinery